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The Nigerian Army has issued a warning that any vessels found stealing crude oil will be destroyed

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In accordance with the regulations of engagement, the Nigerian Army has promised to demolish the ship Harbor Spirit, which was apprehended on suspicion of stealing crude oil.

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The Army further stated that the Defense Intelligence would investigate the matter after evacuating all crew members detained on the ship to Abuja.

While members of the House of Representatives Committee on Crude Oil theft visited and examined two vessels, MT Kali and Harbor Spirit, allegedly carrying stolen crude, this was said by Brig. Gen. Ugochukwu Vitus Unachukwu, commander of the 63 Brigade of the Nigerian Army.

The federal government has vowed to root out oil theft, according to Brig. Gen. Unachukwu. “We will pursue it to a logical conclusion.”

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He pleaded with oil thieves to stop their horrific actions, adding that the country needs the money from the industry.

A “national Saboteur” label would be applied to anyone found guilty of stealing even one gallon of crude oil, he warned.

According to Brig. Gen. Unachukwu, the entire crew and the vessel were apprehended by Operatives of TANTITA Security Services working in tandem with the Armed Forces.

The Harbor Spirit crew members who were arrested have been requested by the House of Representatives Committee on Crude Oil Theft to cooperate with the appropriate security services in order to establish their innocence.

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The two vessels were inspected by the Chairman of the Committee, Alhassan Ado Doguwa. Doguwa expressed the serious concern of the National Assembly and the House of Representatives Committee on Oil and Gas over oil theft, pipeline vandalism, and other crises in the oil producing states.

“We stand in solidarity with you, but unfortunately, our actions are limited,” he stated. You must assist security in order to establish your innocence.

According to oil producer Doguwa, who spoke with reporters, the House of Representatives Committee on Crude Oil Theft went on the tour of the two ships so they could see the oil and gas business in action in the Niger Delta area.

“I am here today to assure you that the National Assembly, and the House of Representatives in particular, as well as the Chairman of the Oil and Gas Committee, are fully committed to seeing that the country’s oil and gas production is significantly increased.”

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In order to better secure the country’s assets across the country, the legislator stated that the Committee on Crude Oil Theft will maintain its strong partnerships and collaborations with TANTITA security, the Nigerian Security Agencies, and others.

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