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ISWAP commanders are purportedly captured by Boko Haram

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According to reports, 60 ISWAP terrorists, including three important commanders, have been taken prisoner by Boko Haram fighters.

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The most recent conflict between the rival terrorist organizations apparently took place on Monday.

Zagazola Makama, a security analyst and counter-insurgency specialist in Lake Chad, revealed this in a post on his social media account on Wednesday.

The commanders of ISWAP were detained in Borno State, according to Zagozola, who named them as Abubakar Saddiq, Abou Maimuna, and Malam Idris.

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He claimed that ISWAP was compelled to seek sanctuary in more heavily guarded hiding places in the Kukawa, Madayi, and Kwatan Mota axis after the Boko Haram Buduma groups, who had the upper hand against ISWAP in the most recent turn of events, captured the majority of their enclaves.

“Massive celebration follows the capture of 60 ISWAP fighters, including 3 Commanders, at the Boko Haram camp.

“On August 13, 2023, the Boko Haram faction stopped 60 ISWAP terrorists on their route to Damascus, including three important Commanders: Abubakar Saddiq, Abou Maimuna, and Malam Idris.

Later, he added, “these prisoners were taken to an underground prison cell at KWATAN MOTA close to Dogon Chukwu where they were held as Prisoners of War.”

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