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CAN speaks out on the butcher’s blasphemy-related murder

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The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has denounced the barbaric murder of butcher Usman Buda in Sokoto State by religious radicals.

The Christian community also sent their sympathies to the deceased’s friends and family.

This was stated in a statement that the head Christian organization’s president, Daniel Okoh, signed and made accessible to reporters in Abuja on Thursday.

Usman Buda allegedly made a disrespectful remark that led to his horrible death, according to numerous reports.

CAN stated that it fully supports religious freedom and the peaceful expression of one’s views. It also condemned all forms of violence and “jungle justice” committed in the name of a particular faith.

The statement also stated that “this tragic incident highlights the urgent need for increased efforts to foster religious tolerance, peace, and unity in our diverse society.”

No matter their religious connections, CAN stated it will continue to fight for the protection of all people’ rights.

For a harmonious Nigeria, it urged “religious leaders and followers to promote interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence.”

“During this difficult time, our thoughts and prayers are with Usman Buda’s family.”

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