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Buhari: “Only hard work can bring APC victory in 2023.”

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All Progressives Congress Women Presidential Campaign Team members have been advised by President Muhammadu Buhari to put in a lot of effort to make sure the party wins every post in the general elections of 2023.

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The president stated that the decision had become critical during the inauguration of the APC Women team on Monday in Abuja and that there was no other possibility than an APC electoral triumph in the 2023 presidential election.

Buhari was represented by Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, his chief of staff. He exhorted team members to elevate the party by creating and implementing an inclusive party strategy for an easy electoral victory.

“In order to demonstrate your selfless dedication to the APC, I urge all members of this committee to accept this huge responsibility.

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“There is no alternative to our triumph,” he added. “I strongly think that this committee will lead the APC to greater heights by designing and implementing an unified and inclusive party plan to achieve a PCS victory in the 2023 election.

The president wished the group well in the upcoming election season after congratulating all committee members and the party’s top brass on the commendable initiative.

But he cautioned that the team should never lose sight of the reality that their task would entail visiting every ward in the 774 Local Government Areas of the Federation to conduct campaigning for the party.

“The Committee’s future mission is crystal obvious, but time is not on your side. We must keep in mind that while this lunch is being hosted in Abuja, the real job is done elsewhere, outside of Abuja.

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“The goal at hand is to convince fellow people to vote for our party’s nominee by outlining the vision and the agenda for the nation in over 1000 wards and 774 local governments around the country.

Therefore, he continued, “the campaign should resist the temptation to convert it into an Abuja activity.”

The president also complimented Nigerian women for their fidelity to the party and sacrifices they made.

He stated: “Women have remained the most devoted and helpful group in my goal for a better Nigeria throughout my political career and my time as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

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As a result, Buhari gave the women instructions to give Bola Tinubu, the party’s presidential candidate, the same support he had been receiving from them, as well as Kashim Shettima, the party’s vice presidential candidate, and other APC candidates before, during, and after the 2023 general elections.

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