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Pilgrims’ associations face ultimatum from Hajj Commission

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For this year’s Hajj, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has mandated that all State Pilgrims’ Welfare Boards, Commissions, and Agencies finish sorting pilgrims into groups of 45 and finish uploading data to the e-track site no later than Friday, April 26.

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The groups “are intended for ease of visa issuance on the Saudi visa e-track platform,” as stated in a statement issued by Alhaji Mousa Ubandawaki, NAHCON’s Deputy Director, Information & Publications Division.

“It is also in conformity with the mandatory Saudi policy on Tafweej grouping for 2024 Hajj movement,” the Commission continued.

It emphasized that pilgrims would not be granted visas until they had completed 45 of the new requirements put out by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for this year’s Hajj activities, one of which is the obligatory grouping of pilgrims into groups of 45.

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Meeting with your state’s pilgrims’ welfare board is the only way to plan to travel with the people you want to travel with, thus NAHCON is urging all pilgrims who want to travel in groups to do just that.

“It should be highlighted that these 45-person groups will consistently undertake all aspects of their Hajj together, including leaving Nigeria, staying in Makkah and Madinah, performing Masha’ir, and returning to Nigeria,” the statement said.

The Commission emphasized once again that the Saudis had extended this deadline in order to finalize all plans for group travel by prospective pilgrims for the Hajj activities of 2024.

“After the expiration of this deadline, all pilgrims will remain confined with their selected group members whose visas will appear together,” it cautioned, nonetheless.

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