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Nigerians need leaders who are prepared, not someone like Buhari, according to a NEF spokesman

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Nigerians, according to Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, the National Director of Publicity and Advocacy of the Northern Elders Forum, need prepared leaders rather than someone with the charisma of President Muhammadu Buhari.

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In an interview with Sunday Punch, he made this statement about the country’s progress 62 years after independence.

“We need to figure out how to inspire hope in our young people. For any politician who wishes to succeed President Muhammadu Buhari, this is the most crucial responsibility. We need a leader that can motivate the people to work harder and inspire them with hope and confidence. We require someone who can make the most of our economic potential and uphold our values of integrity, grit, and tolerance. These issues are crucial. Nigeria hasn’t had it too bad either; since our union in 1914, we’ve endured for more than a century. So, while we’ve done well, there’s still room for improvement, he remarked.

Baba-Ahmed responded to a question regarding what the nation should change going ahead by saying, “In 2023, I hope that we will pick a leader who actually has the ability to turn this country’s fortunes around, not simply because he said so. To motivate Nigerians to work harder and follow, we need someone with the necessary understanding, character, and moral integrity.

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“For Nigerians to be able to trust him, they need to see all these traits in him. We must create effective leaders who will provide a positive example for future generations of citizens. Good people should be produced in this nation. We are deeply spiritual individuals. 95 percent of Nigerians believe in God and are morally aware of what is good and wrong. Even though they are aware that lying, stealing, and embezzlement are wrong, they still do them. These problems are now a part of who we are. Something is not right.

“As a country, we must rediscover our ideals, but we can only accomplish so with the appropriate group of leaders moving in that direction. We require leaders who can reestablish institutions and bring the nation together. We definitely must get together.

“The Hausa/Fulani guy shouldn’t be battling the Igbo or Yoruba man for whatever cause. There is nothing to argue about. God has provided for all of our needs. There is nothing we need to fight for. No region of Nigeria is so impoverished that it must compete with another region for food or resources. If we don’t get it right in 2023, I’m afraid we can’t just hold out hope that we’ll be lucky enough to withstand this decline in every measure of national life in another four or eight years. If things continue the way they have been under Buhari, I don’t think we can remain a unit for another ten years,” he continued.

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