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How ritualists and kidnappers in disguise look for passengers on the Ogun-Lagos road

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As the government and security forces try to stop the lack of safety in Ogun State and Nigeria in general, ritualists, kidnappers, robbers, and rapists have come up with a new way to find passengers who don’t know what’s going on and take advantage of them.

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The 460PLAY has found that they are now working as commercial taxi drivers and cyclists.

Most of the time, these fake commercial drivers are among the people the Yorubas call Sl. They pick up people on the side of the road, where they can’t be found, and drive them where they need to go.

The sl system is used all over the country on major roads. Some of these drivers do this so they don’t have to wait in line for several hours at the approved motor parks for passengers. Most passengers also don’t like to waste time waiting for other people before they can start their trips.

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To get people to ride with them from the side of the road, sl drivers lower their prices because they don’t pay the fees that their fellow drivers have to pay at motorparks. It was found that some of them make more money than their coworkers at the parks. People who don’t have a lot of money, who are in a hurry, or who live far away from the approved parks enjoy roadside drivers.

“I get into taxis on the road. I’d rather do that than go to parks, where I’ll spend more money and waste time. Mordiya Adeyemi, a civil servant in Sango, told 460PLAY that she didn’t see anything bad about it.

Today, the 460PLAY found out that some people have used this to kill, rape, or steal from their victims.

Ritualists, kidnappers, robbers, and even rapists now pose as commercial drivers, tricycle riders, and okada riders to pick up their victims, who are waiting passengers.

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Our reporter heard from reliable sources that the devilish act has become so scary, especially on the roads between Abeokuta, Sagamu, and Ogere, and Ijebu-Ode, Ibadan, and Lagos.

“Those people who do rituals to make money are out to kill those innocent passengers. The kidnappers will hold the passengers hostage for a ransom, while the rapists will only target women to sexually assault them and may even kill them.

“These criminals hide out in the forests next to these roads. Most of them even use charms to work. As soon as you get in their cars, you fall asleep or black out. Some of them point guns at their victims. We are going through a very hard time. A driver on the road between Abeokuta and Iperu told our reporter, “Everyone needs to open their eyes.”

The driver, who was in his 60s, told the story of how a ritualist was once arrested by the transport union task force. “He admitted that he used to sell a human head for N50,000,” the driver said.

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The Ogun State police command recently sounded the alarm about a serial killer who hasn’t been named but is said to be on the loose in the Remo area of the state.

Abimbola Oyeyemi, who is in charge of public relations for the police in Ogun, said that the serial killer would pretend to be an okada rider and pick his female victims as passengers.

Oyeyemi says that these people would be “taken to a remote area, raped, and then killed in cold blood.”

This was said when security agents were looking for the people who killed the late Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Beauty Queen. It’s not clear if the Remo serial killers have been caught since August or not.

In Ogijo, Sagamu Local Government Area of Ogun State, the police arrested a bike rider and another person who picked up a female passenger and forcedly took her to a building where three young men raped her. This happened in the same month.

Idowu Adebayo, a 21-year-old okada rider in Sango-Ota, was arrested by the So-Safe Corps on charges that he kidnapped a female passenger and tried to rape and kill her in a bush in Ayegbe village.

Around 4 a.m. on June 22, a tricycle driver raped a female passenger and stole the money she had on her. He did this while holding a gun to her head. Rasaq Tahoeed, who is 22 years old, picked up the passenger at the popular Pakoto bus stop in Ifo on his way to Iyana Coker. However, the passenger told Tahoeed to take a different route and said he would kill her if she didn’t.

Also, a taxi driver named Tunde Bello was arrested a few months ago for allegedly kidnapping, raping, and demanding N140,000 from a female passenger along the Mowe axis of the road. The victim got into Bello’s cab around 5 a.m., and the driver took a detour to Ibadan road and drove her into a bush on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, where he beat and groped her.

“After raping her, he held her hostage and told her to call her family, who sent him N140,000 as ransom before he let her go,” the police said, adding that the suspect admitted to the crime.

Two ritualists who took Abdullahi Azeez hostage, killed him, and used his body parts in a money ritual have recently been caught by the police. People say that the 40-year-old victim left his home in Kobape on June 8, but he never came back. It wasn’t clear how Friday Abinya Odeh (21) and Poso Idowu (20) took him, but it’s thought that they must have pulled him away while he was in transit.

Our reporter heard that there are a lot of unreported cases of people going missing or being attacked after getting into cars or buses on the side of the road.

“People have come to our parks to tell us that a family member is missing. Some time ago, some people came to the Kuto motorpark to say that a family member had gone missing. When we asked where he got into a taxi, they said it was near the bridge. That was sl, we told them. A leader of the Road Transport Employers Association said, “Those vehicles are not registered, they can’t be found, and the driver is unknown.”

Gov. Abiodun moves quickly.

A few weeks ago, 460PLAY heard that a private car had stopped by the Kuto bridge to pick up people going to Siun and Sagamu. A few kilometers into the trip, the car turned off into the bush, and the women on board were raped and had all their belongings taken from them.

When Governor Dapo Abiodun heard about it, he was said to have told all of the security heads in the State to move quickly to stop such things from happening.

Our reporter found out that the Ogun State Police Commissioner, Lanre Bankole, called the leaders of the transport union and told them to get rid of all unapproved motor parks and make it so that no vehicle can pick up passengers on the road.

Since then, union leaders have been working with security agents to crack down on drivers who wait on the road to pick up passengers, and all illegal motor parks have been “destroyed.”

In an interview with 460PLAY, Comrade Olalekan Adebayo, Branch Chairman of Abeokuta South II, Ogun State Parks Management Board, confirmed that “three weeks ago, a car loaded passengers next to the Kuto bridge. There were six people in the cab, three women and three men, plus the driver. After Day Waterman, there is a road on the right, and the driver took that road to take a different route.

“These men raped the women and took everything they had on them. After they had what they wanted, they kicked these women out. Some government officials saw them coming out of the bush and saw them on the road. They told the officials what happened, making sure to say that they got into the taxi under the Kuto bridge.

“That’s why the governor called the Commissioner of Police and told him to stop these evil things that fake drivers were doing by kidnapping people all over Ogun State. The CP also called leaders of transportation unions, and we started enforcing the law by getting rid of all illegal parking spots for cars. We’ve met with security agents and the State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps on a number of occasions (TRACE).

“We started on Monday, and we’ve been begging people to come to the park so they can get on vehicles that will take them where they need to go. It’s okay. People shouldn’t waste their lives and resources just because there is a difference of N100 or N200. We saw how these bad people stole N500,000 from a man. Can you say that man did not have N500 to pay? Come tell us in the park if you don’t have any money, and we’ll help you. We keep your goods safe and have a list of them. If you leave something in one of our cars, you can go to the park and get it. You can’t do that if you just jumped into a car on the side of the road.

As the government and security forces try to stop the lack of safety in Ogun State and Nigeria in general, ritualists, kidnappers, robbers, and rapists have come up with a new way to find passengers who don’t know what’s going on and take advantage of them.

The 460PLAY has found that they are now working as commercial taxi drivers and cyclists.

Most of the time, these fake commercial drivers are among the people the Yorubas call Sl. They pick up people on the side of the road, where they can’t be found, and drive them where they need to go.

The sl system is used all over the country on major roads. Some of these drivers do this so they don’t have to wait in line for several hours at the approved motor parks for passengers. Most passengers also don’t like to waste time waiting for other people before they can start their trips.

To get people to ride with them from the side of the road, sl drivers lower their prices because they don’t pay the fees that their fellow drivers have to pay at motorparks. It was found that some of them make more money than their coworkers at the parks. People who don’t have a lot of money, who are in a hurry, or who live far away from the approved parks enjoy roadside drivers.

“I get into taxis on the road. I’d rather do that than go to parks, where I’ll spend more money and waste time. Mordiya Adeyemi, a civil servant in Sango, told 460PLAY that she didn’t see anything bad about it.

Today, the 460PLAY found out that some people have used this to kill, rape, or steal from their victims.

Ritualists, kidnappers, robbers, and even rapists now pose as commercial drivers, tricycle riders, and okada riders to pick up their victims, who are waiting passengers.

Our reporter heard from reliable sources that the devilish act has become so scary, especially on the roads between Abeokuta, Sagamu, and Ogere, and Ijebu-Ode, Ibadan, and Lagos.

“Those people who do rituals to make money are out to kill those innocent passengers. The kidnappers will hold the passengers hostage for a ransom, while the rapists will only target women to sexually assault them and may even kill them.

“These criminals hide out in the forests next to these roads. Most of them even use charms to work. As soon as you get in their cars, you fall asleep or black out. Some of them point guns at their victims. We are going through a very hard time. A driver on the road between Abeokuta and Iperu told our reporter, “Everyone needs to open their eyes.”

The driver, who was in his 60s, told the story of how a ritualist was once arrested by the transport union task force. “He admitted that he used to sell a human head for N50,000,” the driver said.

The Ogun State police command recently sounded the alarm about a serial killer who hasn’t been named but is said to be on the loose in the Remo area of the state.

Abimbola Oyeyemi, who is in charge of public relations for the police in Ogun, said that the serial killer would pretend to be an okada rider and pick his female victims as passengers.

Oyeyemi says that these people would be “taken to a remote area, raped, and then killed in cold blood.”

This was said when security agents were looking for the people who killed the late Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Beauty Queen. It’s not clear if the Remo serial killers have been caught since August or not.

In Ogijo, Sagamu Local Government Area of Ogun State, the police arrested a bike rider and another person who picked up a female passenger and forcedly took her to a building where three young men raped her. This happened in the same month.

Idowu Adebayo, a 21-year-old okada rider in Sango-Ota, was arrested by the So-Safe Corps on charges that he kidnapped a female passenger and tried to rape and kill her in a bush in Ayegbe village.

Around 4 a.m. on June 22, a tricycle driver raped a female passenger and stole the money she had on her. He did this while holding a gun to her head. Rasaq Tahoeed, who is 22 years old, picked up the passenger at the popular Pakoto bus stop in Ifo on his way to Iyana Coker. However, the passenger told Tahoeed to take a different route and said he would kill her if she didn’t.

Also, a taxi driver named Tunde Bello was arrested a few months ago for allegedly kidnapping, raping, and demanding N140,000 from a female passenger along the Mowe axis of the road. The victim got into Bello’s cab around 5 a.m., and the driver took a detour to Ibadan road and drove her into a bush on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, where he beat and groped her.

“After raping her, he held her hostage and told her to call her family, who sent him N140,000 as ransom before he let her go,” the police said, adding that the suspect admitted to the crime.

Two ritualists who took Abdullahi Azeez hostage, killed him, and used his body parts in a money ritual have recently been caught by the police. People say that the 40-year-old victim left his home in Kobape on June 8, but he never came back. It wasn’t clear how Friday Abinya Odeh (21) and Poso Idowu (20) took him, but it’s thought that they must have pulled him away while he was in transit.

Our reporter heard that there are a lot of unreported cases of people going missing or being attacked after getting into cars or buses on the side of the road.

“People have come to our parks to tell us that a family member is missing. Some time ago, some people came to the Kuto motorpark to say that a family member had gone missing. When we asked where he got into a taxi, they said it was near the bridge. That was sl, we told them. A leader of the Road Transport Employers Association said, “Those vehicles are not registered, they can’t be found, and the driver is unknown.”

Gov. Abiodun moves quickly.

A few weeks ago, 460PLAY heard that a private car had stopped by the Kuto bridge to pick up people going to Siun and Sagamu. A few kilometers into the trip, the car turned off into the bush, and the women on board were raped and had all their belongings taken from them.

When Governor Dapo Abiodun heard about it, he was said to have told all of the security heads in the State to move quickly to stop such things from happening.

Our reporter found out that the Ogun State Police Commissioner, Lanre Bankole, called the leaders of the transport union and told them to get rid of all unapproved motor parks and make it so that no vehicle can pick up passengers on the road.

Since then, union leaders have been working with security agents to crack down on drivers who wait on the road to pick up passengers, and all illegal motor parks have been “destroyed.”

In an interview with 460PLAY, Comrade Olalekan Adebayo, Branch Chairman of Abeokuta South II, Ogun State Parks Management Board, confirmed that “three weeks ago, a car loaded passengers next to the Kuto bridge. There were six people in the cab, three women and three men, plus the driver. After Day Waterman, there is a road on the right, and the driver took that road to take a different route.

“These men raped the women and took everything they had on them. After they had what they wanted, they kicked these women out. Some government officials saw them coming out of the bush and saw them on the road. They told the officials what happened, making sure to say that they got into the taxi under the Kuto bridge.

“That’s why the governor called the Commissioner of Police and told him to stop these evil things that fake drivers were doing by kidnapping people all over Ogun State. The CP also called leaders of transportation unions, and we started enforcing the law by getting rid of all illegal parking spots for cars. We’ve met with security agents and the State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps on a number of occasions (TRACE).

“We started on Monday, and we’ve been begging people to come to the park so they can get on vehicles that will take them where they need to go. It’s okay. People shouldn’t waste their lives and resources just because there is a difference of N100 or N200. We saw how these bad people stole N500,000 from a man. Can you say that man did not have N500 to pay? Come tell us in the park if you don’t have any money, and we’ll help you. We keep your goods safe and have a list of them. If you leave something in one of our cars, you can go to the park and get it. You can’t do that if you just jumped into a car on the side of the road.

Security agents pose as drivers on the side of the road and attack task force

460play found out that some security officers in Ogun have turned to driving on the side of the road to make ends meet.

Leaders of the transport unions said that these security agents attack the task force set up to stop the activities of roadside drivers by saying they are police officers.

“I have to say this: security agents have made it hard for us to do this. They attacked our task force and acted like they were above the law.

“We told them to come to the parks if they need people to ride with them, and we will do that. But they won’t move from the road. We need to do something about this.

Oyeyemi, a police spokesman, says

Ogun police image maker Oyeyemi told our reporter that most of the recent crimes are not being reported to the police.

But Oyeyemi said that the police back the steps that union leaders are taking to stop some roadside drivers from doing illegal things. He asked Ogun residents to go to parks instead of looking for cheap or free rides on the road.

Oyeyemi said that no officer has the right to attack the union task force while doing their job, and that the situation would be looked into. He was talking about security agents doing commercial driving without booking at approved parks.
Security agents pose as drivers on the side of the road and attack task force

460play found out that some security officers in Ogun have turned to driving on the side of the road to make ends meet.

Leaders of the transport unions said that these security agents attack the task force set up to stop the activities of roadside drivers by saying they are police officers.

“I have to say this: security agents have made it hard for us to do this. They attacked our task force and acted like they were above the law.

“We told them to come to the parks if they need people to ride with them, and we will do that. But they won’t move from the road. We need to do something about this.

Oyeyemi, a police spokesman, says

Ogun police image maker Oyeyemi told our reporter that most of the recent crimes are not being reported to the police.

But Oyeyemi said that the police back the steps that union leaders are taking to stop some roadside drivers from doing illegal things. He asked Ogun residents to go to parks instead of looking for cheap or free rides on the road.

Oyeyemi said that no officer has the right to attack the union task force while doing their job, and that the situation would be looked into. He was talking about security agents doing commercial driving without booking at approved parks.

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