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Fuel subsidy removal is a wrong focus, according to Mainas

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He declared, “Subsidy removal is not our issue; rather, it is the fact that we produce crude oil here but are unable to process it.

“Let Nigeria sign a deal with foreign partners so they may aid in the construction of refineries since those already in place are not working.

“In my opinion, Tinubu should have looked at how to construct a contemporary refinery first. His top goal should be that, not ending gasoline subsidies.

“When we build refineries, we won’t have to pay others to refine our crude oil, and tankers won’t have to travel to Lagos to get fuel because we already have pipelines to all these depots, which will save us a lot of money.”

The president’s choice, in the opinion of the former CAN leader, has only made Nigerian suffering worse.

The truth is that Tinubu does not speak for the majority of Nigerians because his interests come before theirs. Although Tinubu has various policies, they all work against the interests of the average person.

“Check out how much food costs have increased. Consider the time when Jonathan was in charge. He planned to end the fuel subsidy, but when the nation nearly caught fire, he was forced to change his mind.

But it appears that the present president only pays attention to his close friends and family and not the people who elected him. It is clear that the President’s advisors are not providing him with sound counsel.

“From the beginning, Tinubu indicated he would pick up where Buhari left off and examine the situation in which we found ourselves. Nigerians now see that the President is following in Buhari’s footsteps.

“Nigerians already regret supporting Tinubu in the elections. Nigerians will demand his resignation if he refuses to change, he added.

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