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FG establishes the committee for statistics on renewable energy

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The National Consultative Committee on Renewable Energy was established by the Federal Government (NCC on res).

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The Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Dr. Adeleke Mamora, stated that the National Energy Statistics workshop’s inauguration is essential for the collection of accurate data on renewable energy during her remarks at the workshop’s opening ceremony in Abuja.

He said, “Now that climate mitigation depends primarily on the transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency, the constitution and inauguration of the Consultative Committee is a necessary and critical instrument in having reliable data on renewable energy for planning and research purposes.”

According to Mamora, the committee will follow a term of reference and be made up of representatives from all relevant government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies as well as non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

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Its mandate is to “provide a common platform for sharing renewable energy statistics, achieve greater coordination, avoid needless duplication of effort, and provide the mechanism for and harmonization of renewable energy statistics to support the National Energy Databank of the Commission as the repository of bankable energy data in Nigeria.” He spoke.

In order to provide comprehensive coverage of the entire energy sector, the Minister also took advantage of the opportunity to request that the Federal Ministries of Power, Mines, and Steel Development establish comparable committees for coal, bitumen, and radioactive sources and power, respectively.

Professor Eli Jidere Bala, Director General/CEO of the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), emphasized the significance of the commission in his welcome speech.

It is crucial to note that the National Consultative Committee on Petroleum Statistical Data, which was established by the Ministry of Petroleum, compiles the petroleum statistical data. There aren’t any consultative committees for coal, bitumen, radioactive sources, electricity, or alternative energy sources. The National Consultative Committee on Renewable Resources has been established by ECN.

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“ECN has also worked with the ECOWAS Commission to implement the 11 European Development Fund (EDF) on Energy Governance programme in West Africa (AGOSE-AO), with the assistance of the European Union, with the main goal of harmonizing and validating energy data for the compilation of commodity balances—oil, gas, coal, electricity, renewables, and consolidated Energy Balance—in 2021.

With the help of the national consultative committee, planning and investment decisions will be based on more trustworthy and palatable data. Prof. Bala made a note.

Prince Semiu Adeniran, the General Statistician of the Federation, said in his keynote speech that “the energy transition program envisages transition pathways across key sectors of the economy and it is imperative that all stakeholders can track the constitution of these energy resources in terms of value asset to GDP to support the implementation of the transition program.

“Recognizing the critical role data plays to policy development and implementation, on our part at NBS, we will continue to address the binding constraints to the production and dissemination of energy data in Nigeria. Apart from establishing the new energy statistics division in the last years in NBS, we have taken advantage of two important pillars to develop this new division: collaboration and technology.

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“We plan to use both to address the constraints in generating and reporting energy statistics through increased collaboration and engagement with critical stakeholders such as the Energy Commission of Nigeria.” Prince Semiu noted.

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